WE ARE KESHI!!!! (about Life, Love & Fading Lustre)

I’m sitting here trying to write something meaningful about life and love but for the life of me I can’t seem to reach deep enough for it to be meaningful. So I ask myself instead; why do I feel so empty? Then I thought about the way pearls are formed……

A keshi pearl is a non-beaded pearl formed by accident as a by-product of a pearl culturing operation; it is formed when the oyster rejects and spits out the implanted nucleus before the culturing process is complete, or the implanted mantle tissue fractures and forms separate pearl sacs without nuclei. These pearl sacs eventually produce pearls without a nucleus.  Since there is no nucleus to guide the ultimate shaping of the pearl, their shapes vary widely. In fact, they have a greater luster than even the highest quality cultured pearls.


When we are been beaten often by life and love’s challenges, we feel a sense of displacement, a loss of that ‘centre’ (our nucleus) that may express itself as an echoing emptiness with silent voices that often speak of nothing, in many tongues. We feel nothing, think nothing, can speak of nothing and picture ourselves in the sea of the fading luster of nothingness.


Today I discovered that we are not nothing; just something different created as a bi-product of the natural process of life! We are like the Keshi pearl that even though is formed by accident has a harder shell, a greater luster and a different shape. WE ARE KESHI!!!!!!

One thought on “WE ARE KESHI!!!! (about Life, Love & Fading Lustre)

  1. ivieatat says:

    this is so true!!!

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