Eat, Laugh, Love & Pray…….

I love sex….(Bet that shocks the fainthearted amongst you 🙂 )….but I love the sound of the sea clashing against large rocks, the warmth of a little baby as he falls asleep in your arms, turquoise skies and deep blue seas, the sudden darkness of rainy skies as the smell of rain fills the air…shared laughter and the beauty of sisterhood, green tea and ice s-cream!!! I love the sound of silence in Grecian temples, the sight of old priests dressed in black in silent worship…I like the feel of a warm bath after a hard day, the shuffling of children’s feet outside your door, whispering…..I love food, rich, velvety red wine, the silent anticipation within me as I wait to see what else God will do with me……I love life, its just that simple!………what do you love that ‘He’ knows but ‘he’ can’t see?

My Boudoir……(its more than a secret place)

It feels kind of strange; almost like buying a large chocolate chip cookie, getting an ornate jar with intricate designs in gold on a wrought iron mantelpiece too high to reach from just standing. For days you walk past and stare at it wondering when it will be time to sit in a quiet corner with a good book on a rainy day and just savor first the smell of it, then the taste of it and afterwards the quiet satisfaction of having waited for the right time…….hmmm…….that’s the definition of ‘Secrets’ for me and that quiet corner is ‘My Boudoir’……welcome to my Secret Place! (maybe yours too!)