Women….Friends OR Enemies???

I have met a lot of women since I became separated from my spouse; tall ones, short ones, fat ones, slim ones (not many skinny ones though tee!hee!), plain ones but more often than not ‘carefully coiffed’ ones because in the country I live in our war paint and designer props are the masks that we wear in order to make ourselves appear to be just like everyone else (now that’s worrying but a blog for another day!) 😉

Anyway, these different women are perfect fodder for a writer at best times because watching them switch personalities depending on their location, their feelings or the company they keep is like a cross between a Hollywood and Nollywood movie on the best days. Still that is comic relief and definitely more enjoyable that what I call the ‘Cruel Treatment of Self to the Detriment of Ones Just Like Us’

I see women who have been hurt, some still hurting, some living through so much pain that they hug the hurt to bring them the comfort of the familiar because they are afraid of the emptiness if they let it go. Some hurt so bad and scarred on the inside that they become angry as the sore festers and the stench of defeat, the inability to go to the Healer, stokes the fires of anger that becomes guilt, then self condemnation, then envy, then jealousy, then the very thing that destroys…..HATRED! Hatred for other women who are hurting just like them but are ‘carefully coiffed’ so it looks like everything is okay; hatred enough to hurt them just because……..

Women can be our own worst enemies when all we need is the Healer to help us love ourselves enough to love others just like we are……just women!