I had an epiphany of sorts last week; it was nothing earth-shattering or spiritual but it left me feeling the need for good company……my company!

We live in a new world with microwave answers to faster questions that barely read the last line before your brain starts to process the next one. Why are we in such a hurry to think, to speak, to see? Why can’t we stop to ponder, to be quiet and to really look before we ‘leap’? I sat still for a while with my mind trying to process a happy though…,a new developme….,a juicy bit of gossi…., who to call to share it wit…., how it will make me feel if I spread it furth…., why should I feel ba…, why am I changing who I am just because…., and the list went on until I arrived at the final thought that was complete but needed me to actually think a complete thought for a second……”HOW DID I MOVE FROM A HAPPY THOUGHT TO AN ANXIOUS THOUGHT IN 10 MILLISECONDS?”

Hmmmm…..after sitting for a while till my thoughts cleared, I realized that I had just taken a mental journey through a thick fog that got thicker as I proceeded until I stopped for a second to try to get my bearings! Deep within the fog I stopped, became quiet from within and looked deeper in front of me; I saw several semi-clear paths but didn’t know which one to follow so I became quieter still so I could ponder for a second what laid at the end of each one, then I chose a path. As I walked further on my chosen path, the fog began to clear and every unfinished question became completed answers…..finally I had arrived at my destination, finally I could see clearly after taking the long road

The long road may seem like a bad idea but if it helps you look instead of just see, ponder instead of just think and be quiet from within before you speak…..then I’ll choose the long road every time!